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Recreating the Past

Zach Lieberman, Luke Demarest, Max Bittker
May 21, 2020 to July 23, 2020 (10 classes)
1pm to 3pm ET
Online (Zoom)
$1200 Scholarships available learn more...
Applications closed on May 12, 2020

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In Recreating the Past, we will study computational art from the past decades and recreate these works with contemporary techniques to gain aesthetic, analytical and technical knowledge. The class is led by artist and SFPC co-founder Zach Lieberman, and will be offered online for the first time. For each class, we investigate a different set of artists that have created work with software (either through code or algorithmic processes) and then recreate their artworks from scratch, discussing their approaches and tools, as well as poetic underpinnings. By recreating historic works, we also investigate what modern tools and approaches have to offer. In addition, we will also look at broader examples of what the artwork teaches us about algorithmic approaches and conceptual explorations. For example, seminal works like Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv’s “Text Rain” can be used as a starting point for discussing computer vision-based interaction. The class will focus on the building blocks of media art and generative design practice, such as algorithmic composition, typography, imaging, computer vision, audio analysis / synthesis, and interaction design. Students will be encouraged to begin a practice of generative visual sketching in whatever medium they feel comfortable in and share their process amongst the cohort. Class examples will be prepared in openFrameworks which is written in C++ and built on top of OpenGL. Although the assignments will be required to be completed via coding, the class is open to a variety of skill and experience levels. The lead teacher and teaching assistant will help to get you up to speed. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of coding and familiarity with using variables, functions, control structures. If you are a beginner, we recommend you take SFPC Coding Bootcamp before applying for this class.

Images courtesy of teachers.

Course of Study

Here are examples of some of the artists / works / ideas we will be exploring across the ten weeks paired with the technical topics we will discuss. Each week we will explore an individual or pair of artists/designers and examine their work and process in detail.

  • Chaos and Order (Vera Molnar)
  • Animation and Harmony (John Whitney)
  • Computational Typography (Muriel Cooper / John Maeda)
  • Pattern (Bridgette Riley / Anni Albers)
  • Pixels (Ken Knowlton / Lillian F. Schwartz)
  • Images (Nancy Burson / Jason Salavon)
  • Body (Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv / Myron Krueger)
  • Glitch / Deformation (Rosa Menkman / Steina and Woody Vasulka)


Students are expected to have basic knowledge of coding and familiarity with using variables, functions, control structures. If you are a beginner, we recommend you take SFPC Coding Bootcamp before applying for this class.

The class will be taught for 2 hours weekly with an additional ½ hour to 1 hr or asynchronous content which includes short lectures and code explanations. The homework will take additional time per week depending on the complexity of the artwork being recreated (Estimated 1-4 hours / week). In addition the teacher and TA will each offer 2 hours of office hour support, at a scheduled time TBD throughout the week. We will use github, dropbox paper, and slack as our primary tools with zoom used for the class meetings and TA hours. Recordings of the live portions of each class will be archived and shared with participants for a limited time.

Is this class for me?

This class is right for you if:

  • You have a basic knowledge of code (for example, you’ve taken SFPC bootcamp class or have experience with coding in p5, etc)
  • You are interested in learning the craft of creative coding
  • You enjoy researching / learning about how artists work
  • You enjoy working with others

This class is not right for you if:

  • You have no experience with code
  • You are interested in a more skills based, less theoretical approach to learning creative code
  • You are not interested in research or engaging with artworks from the past

Meet the Teachers


Zach Lieberman


Luke Demarest


Max Bittker

How do I apply?

Apply Now

Applications open until Applications closed on May 12, 2020.

You can expect to hear back from us about the status of your application on . Please email us at with any questions you have.

How much does it cost to attend?

For 10 classes, it costs $1200 + processing fees, for a one-time payment. We also offer payment plans. Participants can schedule monthly payments of the same amount. First and last payments must be made before the start and end of class. *Processing fees apply for each payment.

SFPC processes all payments via Withfriends and Stripe. Please email if these payment options don't work for you.

Applicant FAQ

For more information about what we look for in applicants, scholarships, and other frequently asked questions, please visit our applicant FAQ.

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